IEEE standard 754
binary floating-point arithmetic

Floating point numbers (Fortran's REAL*n, DOUBLE PRECISION, and COMPLEX*n, and C's float, double, and long double) are inexact representations of ideal real numbers. The operations performed on them are also necessarily inexact. What should you know when :
(a + b) + c != a + (b + c)

WWW, news, mailing lists


  • Arithmétique des ordinateurs
    dans "Organisation et conception des ordinateurs : l'interface matériel/logiciel" - John L. Hennessy et David A. Patterson, Dunod, 1994

  • Arithmetic for Computers
    in "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface" - John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997 -
    table of contents, slides: ps or pdf

  • Arithmétique des ordinateurs par David Goldberg
    dans "Architecture des ordinateurs : une approche quantitative" - John L. Hennessy et David A. Patterson, International Thomson Publishing, 1996 (cdd loria)

  • Computer Arithmetic by David Goldberg
    in "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" - John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1995 - table of contents

  • Qualité des calculs sur ordinateur. Vers des arithmétiques plus fiables ?
    Marc Daumas et Jean-Michel Muller, Masson, 1997 (bu sciences)

  • Ingénierie du contrôle de la précision des calculs sur ordinateur
    Michèle Pichat et Jean Vignes, Technip, 1993

  • Arithmétique des ordinateurs. Opérateurs et fonctions élémentaires
    Jean-Michel Muller, Masson, 1989 (bu sciences)

  • Elementary Functions. Algorithms and Implementation
    Jean-Michel Muller, Birkhauser, 1997 (cdd loria)

  • Computer arithmetic algorithms
    Israel Koren, Prentice-Hall, 1993


  • What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
    David Goldberg, ACM Computing Surveys, pp. 5-48, vol. 23#1, 1991 (ACM Copyright Notice)

  • What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
    in Sun's Numerical Computation Guide, David Goldberg, 1997 (addendum)

  • Handling floating-point exceptions in numeric programs
    John R. Hauser, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, pp.139-174, vol. 18#2, 1996 (ACM Copyright Notice)

  • Estimation Of Round-Off Errors On Several Computers Architectures
    J. Asserrhine, J.-M. Chesneaux, and J.-L. Lamotte, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 1 No. 7, 1995 (Special Issue "Real Numbers and Computers")

    William Kahan and IEEE 754

    Books in the "SGI Developer" collection about the IEEE 754 floating point standard

    SGI Man Pages about IEEE 754


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